British Executions

Frederick Baker

Age: unknown

Sex: male

Crime: murder

Date Of Execution: 24 Dec 1867

Crime Location:

Execution Place: Winchester

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown


Murder of a little girl, whom he afterwards cut up;

Baker is responsible for one of the most famous phrases in the English language, 'sweet Fanny Adams.' On Saturday 24th August 1867 seven-year-old Fanny and her young sister, Lizzie, left their Alton, Hampshire, home to play with their friend Minnie Warner. They met Minnie and the three children walked the half mile to Flood Meadow, near the River Wey. When they arrived they were met by Baker, a local solicitor. He offered them halfpennies if they would go with him to The
Hollow, a quiet country road. They agreed and went along with the young man quite willingly. When he tried to entice young Fanny into a hop grove the children began to express their doubts. Baker gave Lizzie and Minnie another halfpenny each and told them to go home. He picked up young Fanny and carried her into the hop field.

When the child failed to return home a search party set out and soon found her. She had been battered to death. Her head, with its eyes gouged out, had been stuck on a pole and other portions of of the child were found nearby.

It did not take the authorities long to arrest Baker. When they examined his diary for the fateful day they found the entry, 'Saturday August 24th. Killed a young girl. It was fine and hot.' The jury took no time to find Baker guilty and he was duly hanged.